Enjoying Horror Discussion

I am definitely not one for horror movies or shows as I have always shown a strong dislike for them but all of my friends really find joy in the thrill of watching these movies. It was a different feeling for me having to watch this episode but it did definitely peak my interest at times that I didn’t fully understand why. In “Why Horror?” by Noel Carroll, she speaks of this interest, “Thus, the paradox of horror is an instance of a larger problem…that of explaining the way in which the artistic presentation of normally aversive events and objects can give rise to pleasure or can compel our interests” (Carroll 2). It is very interesting to me how something thrilling can keep us interested through many different ways. One example of this is non-diagetic sound, which was seen in the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is when people from different places are getting their voices sucked out of their mouths, and there is an odd noise that is coming from a sound effect put in which is what makes a non-diagetic sound. An example of mise-en-scene is when the scary looking men go in the dorm hall to slice a man open, two are dressed in tuxedo’s and the other two are wrapped in mummy looking dress while all their makeup is done on heavily to make them appear scary looking. The room that they enter is not lit because it is night time in the scene and the scene is shot mostly up above the man that is in his dorm room about to get sliced up but is also on the angles of the scary men’s faces. This is a mise-en-scene because it shows a lot about what the actors were doing with their clothing and makeup, shows the lighting and color, and also shows the camera angles at which it took them to film the scene and shows what is seen in the picture. Finally, an example of diagetic sound from this piece was when the wicked group is talking and praying to odd creatures because it is someone in the scene talking and visible on the screen to see.

The reason that I chose these examples was because all of these contributed to the aesthetic of horror for me because they all made me question what was going on but also peak my interest as to what was going on and why they were doing it. I believe that good horror is supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat and question what is happening next because it is unexpected, which is why this art form is unique from any others that we have studied so far. The different types of sound from the background music and sounds to the direct dialogue between characters in the scene really build the context and keep you interested into what will happen next. The mise-en-scene also contributes by analyzing all that is happening at a certain time and questioning why things happen at a certain time. Overall, even though I may not enjoy scary movies or shows, there is something that peaks my interest into the unknown and keeps me guessing as to what will happen next. This uncertainty is something that we as humans crave to find out and I now see how horror can bring much pleasure to people.

2 thoughts on “Enjoying Horror Discussion”

  1. I noticed that you said you are not one for horror movies. I used to strongly dislike horror movies as well. However, I found this very interesting. If you mute a horror movie and watch it, it’s not scary at all. The music and sound effects play such a huge role in the emotions of the viewer. Like you pointed out with your example, certain sounds or music keep people on the edge of their seats while watching. They also signal when something is going to happen. In horror movies, these scary sounds create a huge feeling of suspense in viewers. This is what makes the movies so scary. Without the music, it is almost not scary at all. Have you every tried watching a horror movie or any movie without the sound effects and music? It is astounding how big of a difference it makes.

  2. I am also not a fun for horror movies because I think they cannot give me enjoyment after watching them. I think I can only get the feeling of fear when I watch horror movies, and it cannot be interested for me. However, after reading the course reading and the Buffy video, I get a better understanding about what is a horror movie and how can it be a good art form. In the article “Why Horror?”, Carroll mentioned that “The power of the objects of art-horror to command curiosity” (Page 286). This means that the core idea for horror art is to fulfill our curiosity and make us thinking. In the Buffy’s movie, I will wonder what will happen in the next if something horror come out, such as the creepy music and the ugly ghost. I enjoy your post and agree that your example can contribute to the aesthetic of horror for this movie.

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