-Art and Human Values

My future learning goal is to work on myself every day in order to become the person who respects all the values that are important for me and never forget to nourish values in order to become successful.

-What Is Art?

My future learning goals will be connected to appreciating art in new ways in the light of discovering whole new meanings by trying to look at classical works of art from a more universal point of view. It will be very interesting going to Louvre one day for example and thinking about why “The Mona Lisa” has been valued from the day it was painted up to now.


-Food As Art

My future learning goal will be to explore cuisines from all over the world and try to find out which food may be considered universal, what are the differences and what are the similarities among the dishes of different nations.

-Art of Personal Adornment

I plan to read more texts about psychology that deal with personal adornment and body alteration. That is very interesting because I still have doubts why body adornment is so important to people when body is mortal. I have noticed that most people work more on their outsides than on their insides.

-Aesthetics of Horror

My goal for the future is to explore the nuances between different types of horror movies and to get deeper into the psychology of horror. I am interested to know where the inspiration for making horror movies comes from. Those legends and myths are what I am curious about and their sociological background.

-Creative Spirituality

My goal is to see which works of art impress me the most. It will be interesting to explore the art of different cultures and from different periods of time.

-Art, Technology and games

My goal for the future is to learn more about the connection between computer technology, social sciences and art. They all influence each other and I am eager to see the new ways in which this whole collaboration will develop.

-Remixing Culture

I plan to find out the reasons why RW culture is controversial and to see if there are ways to make it legal. It is a fact that due to availability, people will continue to use digital contents without legal permission and there is a problem of  legitimacy. I believe that it is not legal but it is legitimate.

-Censorship and Public Art

I will try and pay more attention to public art in all the new places that I visit because that is the best way to learn as much as possible about the culture of that place. Sometimes there are non-democratic political regimes which build monuments that support oppression and that is also a good thing to know.



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