Remixing Culture


  • Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.
  • Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”
  • Examine individual and social values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.
  • Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity



link to original


Remix Google Image Search

Keywords: creativity, integrity, courage, expressiveness, impression, inspiration, determination, spirituality, dignity, beauty.




Remixing culture

This assignment made me realize that there is a difference between RO and RW culture. RO culture is read-only culture and RW is re-write culture. I know that for gaining basic knowledge RO culture is inevitable but for becoming creators we need to develop our skills through RW culture. RW culture is especially useful for children. RW culture “invites a response” (Lessig 85). However, in today’s world, RW culture is mostly prohibited to remix although it should be legally available for everyone to use and reuse/recycle.

RO culture emphasizes learning and preserves integrity whereas RW culture emphasizes learning by speaking and teaches integrity (Lessig 87). Sampling is considered to be illegal and covering songs legal and in reality it is basically the same. There is no progress if we don’t use the experience of others.

“Copyright law inhibits new forms of literacy” (Lessig 108). In spite of this law, people still make remixes and adjust the existing forms of digital content in a way which is considered to be illegal. Since we don’t want the children to be involved in piracy, the law has to be changed.

Learning Goals for the Future:

I plan to find out the reasons why RW culture is controversial and to see if there are ways to make it legal. It is a fact that due to availability, people will continue to use digital contents without legal permission and there is a problem of  legitimacy. I believe that it is not legal but it is legitimate.

Works Cited:

Lessig, L. (2008). Comparing Cultures. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy (pp. 84-116). New York: Penguin Press HC, The.


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