Creative Spirituality Reflection

How do you define spirituality?

Spirituality is part of human nature. Every person is capable to develop it, but it depends on how one is brought up. Therefore, people are more or less spiritual. Spirituality is the capacity to understand the true nature of the world around us and to grasp the meaning of the metaphysical realm. People who are spiritual are also sensitive and sensible and capable of empathy. Most artists have spirituality, which they develop by making artworks. They need to go beyond the physical world in order to understand the meaning of a certain object, which inspired them, and then to create it physically in their own interpretation. The audience also needs to use their spirituality in order to understand art. There are also other professions that require spirituality. These are for example psychiatrists, priests, social workers, politicians etc. All of them need to be spiritual because their work is about helping people.

Does spirituality differ from religion?

I don’t think that spirituality differs from religion. However some nations are more religious than others, or at least they show their religiousness in everyday life more than people of other religions. For example, Muslims wear special clothes, especially in the Middle East. Some Muslim women wear hijabs. Another example of differences in religions is that in catholic churches people sit during the mass and in orthodox churches people have to stand in the house of God. Muslims, on the other hand, kneel before God and enter the mosques barefoot. To conclude with, I believe that people are spiritual regardless of their religion. They can even be non religious but still spiritual, because spirituality refers to being human and believing in nature and in the connections in the Universe, but not necessarily in a supreme entity called God.


How do you define “creativity”?

Creativity is a human quality. Moreover, it is a virtue to be creative. One has to be inspired in order to be creative. It is a privilege to be creative, because not everyone can do something in a new way or make something innovative. People who are creative are usually considered gifted. Creativity cannot be learned, but individuals can engage in activities that foster it, such as reading quality literature, watching audio-visual masterpieces, visiting museums and galleries and other institutions of high culture. I would define creativity as a capability of making new quality products or services that will enrich peoples’ lives.

What is the source of creativity?

The source of creativity lies in person’s experience. Through everyday’s activities, people encounter various situations that inspire them. The source of creativity is inspiration and one is inspired by doing something stimulative. That is why everyone should always try to do new things and be open to diverse experiences. Traveling, for example, can trigger creativity. I think that all people are more or less creative, but they have to nurture their creativity in order for it to be developed. Physical practice is the solution to being manually skilled, but working on the spirituality is essential for building up creativity.