Artifact #4 Creative Spirituality


1) Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists

2) Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity

Original Post:

This reading is by far my most favorite as I am a big fan of Alex Grey (I own a poster of one of his works). It was very interesting to read how Grey explained about viewer’s position and “job” when they encounter an artist form. He said, the viewer must see deeply by fixing his/her attention on the one thing and  feeling the artistic subject with awe and pleasure.

Grey said, “the artist’s spiritual eye recognizes the subject as a special aspect of an absolute” (73).  It was  interesting that he called “spiritual eye” that opens, sees and accepts the artistic form when an artist sees an art form. He must feel that he has the “spiritual eye” that opens when he paints and/or encounters art forms. Furthermore, I noticed Grey used examples of other artists (such as Van Gogh or Mona Lisa with Leonardo Da Vinchi) and many metaphors to explain and help the readers to understand. He used  “devil, angel, lover, or amuse” as metaphors to explain his view on inspiration. As much as I loved the picture ‘Imp of Inspiration’, he beautifully explained how inspiration was like some entities “creep up to your imagination and give it the most sumptuous gift” (82).

In this reading assignment particularly, I found a lot of phrases that touched my heart. One of my favorite lines was that when an artist encounters an artistic object, “There is a rush of aesthetic pleasure, and something clicks simultaneously on every level” (73). I believe anybody can be an artist if the one can show and present one’s passion, love, and appreciation by creating and expressing in any means. I am a singer so I could relate myself that my “eyes” are opened when watching another artists’ (singers) performances, and I feel the rush of aesthetic pleasure with awe. I would try to sing the “master’s” songs so that I can “see deeply”. It is parallel to how Grey said he would draw paintings in order for him to see a work of art. I would know the nuance, feeling, and the quality by singing, as Grey would by drawing.


Aside from the fact that I enjoyed reading this assignment so much, I remember how enlightening it was to me to read about the “third eye”. Also his explanation of how he has ways to access his spirit was quite a shock to me. He said, “drawing is a way to enter into the spiritual practice of art and seeing” (Grey). I had never imagined experiencing and accessing one’s spirit could be done through drawing. After all however, I realize access to one’s spirit is done through inspiration no matter what the means would be.

Future Intention:

After reading about Grey, I realized how beautiful it is to portray arts and creativity by having access to one’s spirituality and through inspiration. This reading assignment had an especially strong impact on me that I started meditating more often. As I close my eyes and try to empty my mind but opening my “third eye”, I feel like I am beyond and above, away from the chaos around me. It gives me strength to live through the chaotic day, and bonding experience to reach to my spirituality and thus open my creativity side. I would love to spare more time for meditating in the future like this.

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