
Art, Games, and Tech Discussion

Science innovation has been taking us to a new level of using new technology constantly over time. As more new forms of technology and art become available, they make impacts on human’s capability of accomplishing tasks. Before and even after listening to the TED talk by Jane McGonigal I still had  doubts on how possibly playing games could provoke people’s incentive and inspiration to  solve real world’s problems such as poverty, global warming, war, obesity, low employment rate, etc. But after listening to the presentation about Pacmecium, invented by a biophysicist in Stanford University, I realized the power and hope of playing games. The Pacmecium could be used to help students engage in biology (as well as non-scientists) and support biomedical research. Thus maybe I am now convinced by Jane McGornigal’s idea that “gamers” can success in solving real world problem by keep thriving and playing and inventing new games.