Remixing Culture

Lawrence Lessig’s speech was entertaining, however I could not agree with everything he argued.  I agree creation does include re-creation, or so-called ‘remix’ by younger generations. As Lawrence said, “they produce for the love of what they are doing, not for money”. The amateur culture, not amateurish culture should be celebrated.  I do not believe what ASCAP did was  injustice; I also do not believe what BMI was justice, necessarily. The gradually raised money over time they charged their subscribers for listening to music was for artists’ sake. The money depicted and showed proper respect of ownership and authorship the artists deserved. Remix culture certainly must be acknowledged and their artists should be rewarded for their talent, but it should not scale the copyright of the authentic ownership of the creation. Lawrence said he is not justifying piracy, but he also said “law is choking creativity”. Is it just me who thinks he is contradicting himself? He is specifically criticizing the law which inhibits piracy and justifies ownership and authorship of authentic creations. However, he did a great job addressing a current state of our culture, and I do feel the need of reviving our creative culture. Lastly, I wish he drew a clear line whether the “corrupted” law should not exist, or the law should be revised. if it should be revised, then how should it be so that it can encourage the remix culture.

2 thoughts on “Remixing Culture

  1. I watched the presentation “Laws That Choke Creativity” too and I have some different opinion with you. I agree with you that the law should protect the original creator’s benefits; however, I think we have to acknowledge that creative culture is limited by law in some ways. As Lessig mentioned, some remix things are very interesting but the law do not allow them. So I think people should find a way to change law in some ways to balance the benefits of copyright and the creative culture.

  2. I agree with a lot of your opinions and assumptions but am having trouble with, “Is it just me who thinks he is contradicting himself? He is specifically criticizing the law which inhibits piracy and justifies ownership and authorship of authentic creations.” I don’t believe he is criticizing the law, but solely stating how it is. I don’t believe the law is “is choking creativity.” Sure, some is limited to copyright laws but if it is already done, you are simply copying it. There is nothing creative about it. You make a lot of good points though on remixing culture.

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