The primary thesis in “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” is a look at how computer graphics and technology has evolved over centuries and a look at the origins and practices of early art and technology. When we think of technology we constantly are searching the next big, technology is the always-changing trend that people are always trying to follow. Though technology is constantly changing and evolving, our new conceptions of computer graphics are within the scope of what has already been done. Jones noted, “Electronic and photonic art forms have been and will continue to be influenced by their origins and practices.” (Jones, 51) Essentially, a new form of technology that is produced comes from looking at the past traits in order to move forward.
A historical example that supports Jones’ thesis is the idea of “ Examples from other media illustrate cultural tendencies to cast developing forms of material and symbolic culture in previous modes.” (Jones, 51) This idea is supported with the example of the stone columns of ancient Egyptians. The architecture of the stone columns was based off of the earlier papyrus columns. Another example of this was with early oil painting, the idea was very similar in technique to egg tempera paintings. As seen some the best ideas come from the inspiration of previous works that either succeeded or failed. Regardless of the outcome different techniques and methods can be used in order to produce something new and relevant for audience and time period. The old in art and technology is something that can not be forgotten, because it is the ideas of previous people that allow for new ideas to be born.
An example of technology in today’s culture is the birth of Smartphones. It is not unusual to see people carrying around some type of Smartphone with them, but it is unusual to see someone with a “classic” phone. Looking at Rob Wright, “ The Evolution of the Smartphone in 7 Releases,” he includes the iPhone. “ The first-generation iPhone didn’t break many techinal barriers, but it did popularize the touchscreen and kick off a trend that would require faster processors, more memory and higher storage capacity.” The evolution of Smartphones can be compared to the stone columns of ancient Egyptians, as they too used similar techniques to construct the columns, Steve Jobs and others followed the products of one another in order to serve their audience and build the new Smartphone that would grab the most attention. Provide phones with more storage capacity, memory, and faster process in order to possibly break some technical barriers. In order to break the technical barriers the models and ideals from past are needed to build off of.
- Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30
- Wright, R. (2013, April 3). The Evolution of The Smartphone in 7 Releases. CRN. Retrieved March 2, 2014, from