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Purpose: The purpose of this portfolio is to reflect on the knowledge I have gained through assignments in Art and Human Values. My portfolio will reflect on the various assignments and discussions that have helped myself meet course objectives about Art and Human Values. These artifacts I have chosen to present will reflect what I have learned and how it has helped me understand course objectives.

Audience: The target audience of this portfolio is Professor Scott Huette and my fellow students in AAD 250. Other audience members may include those outside the class who are interested in what we are learning in Art and Human Values.

Table of Contents:

1.Artifact One: Life Values

2. Artifact Two: What is Art For?

3.Artifact Three: Adornment

4. Artifact Four: Creative Spirituality

5. Artifact Five: Food

6. Artifact Six: Horror

7. Artifact Seven: Remix

8. Artifact Eight: Technology

9. Artifact 9: Horror-Buffy Discussion




Hint of where you should be this next quarter…

See you there!



*First comment on any artifacts gets a free ticket.




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