Values Assessment
0January 19, 2014 by Tom Ford
Family, Personal Development, Integrity, Friendship
Health, Loyalty, Wisdom, Personal Accomplishment, Leadership, Wealth, Independence, Enjoyment, Prestige, Power, Security, Expertness, Community, Service, Creativity, Location
Life Values Response
I must say that the majority of my Sunday’s are pretty much the same. Today has hardly been any different than any of the other Sundays. I was able to workout, do homework, do some things around the house, and relax. My weeks are very busy so this day is reserved for “low-key productivity”.
For my first value of family, I was able to hangout with my brother and watch the 49er game. This is important to me because I value the time I get with my family. When all else fails, your family is usually the last ones there for you. I value the relationships with my family and enjoy spending time with the members in my family. My personal development was furthered along today as I read a devotional that challenged me as an individual . I fight everyday (or try to) to be a better person than I was the day before. My integrity was challenged today in my efforts to better my health. I was pretty spent from the night before and I knew I still had to get my work in regardless of how I felt.
Today, I was able to also enjoy time with friends. I was able to work with them and we all challenged one another to better ourselves. The values of health, friendship, and integrity were all connected in my day. I was able to utilize one value to kind of help maintain another value. I think that people are unable to pusure certain goals from factors outside of the individual themselves. The individual has a choice to decide what goals to pursue. For example, age can factor into an individual not acting upon a goal. I set goals out for myself for my sport and do my best to attain them. Goals should be something that challenge you, but are within reason. Some people set themselves up to failure with goals that are not logical.
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