Aly Lee
J 483 Journalistic Interview/ Alex Tizon
Report and Source List
My story will be about the changing face of off-campus housing in Eugene, Oregon- a response to the rise in student enrollment, including the growth in international student enrollment. Key players in my story would be students who are looking into these luxury housing complexes, the university, and a couple of the real estate companies in town. I would pick one student to be my main focus, and track the story through their eyes. I would investigate why this new kind of housing is in demand even though it is so expensive, and also what impact it is having on the community, like if it is causing smaller, older complexes to go out of business. I would also like to examine if this means that more money is coming into the local economy from college students who are funded by their parents, whether they come from overseas or from within the states. I could also tell the story from the perspective of a local landlord who is struggling to fill vacancies due to these flashy new complexes. I want to seek out what is changing about students who are coming into the University of Oregon that warrants such a change in type of housing.
Becky Bates– Property Manager for “The Hub On Campus” Student Housing Complex
195 Lynnbrook Drive, Eugene OR 97404
- As the property manager of a luxury student housing complex on campus opening next fall, she would be an ideal person to interview about what kind of demand that is being seen by realtors and companies for such luxurious and expensive student housing. She says in an interview with KEZI that, “We felt that the Eugene Market is under served. We’ve seen increasing growth at the university and a big strong demand for housing…” I would ask her follow up questions based on this interview. Interestingly, The Hub just became Pretty In China Entertainment’s newest annual sponsor.
Inc Chen- Leader of Pretty In China Entertainment
72 Broadway, Suite 220 Eugene, OR 97401
- I found out through research that Pretty in China has a partnership with The Hub, The Pearl, and The Patterson, all of which are luxury student housing complexes. I would like to talk to Inc about this partnership to find out if the demand for this kind of housing has been coming from the increasing number of foreign exchange students who might be bringing money into the local economy.
Corey Dingman
Partner at Duncan and Brown Real Estate Appraisal Firm
260 West 12th Street Eugene, OR 97401
- Corey Dingman tracks student-focused housing in Eugene, and is quoted for some good information in an article. I think he will give some good perspective as a third party that is neither a renter nor a landlord or anyone else connected to a specific rental company. Because he has watched it closely, there may be things he knows that other people don’t.
Michael Griffel, Ph.D- Director, University Housing
Office of the Dean of Students
Division of Student Affairs
164 Oregon Hall 5216 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403
- I believe that Michael Griffel can give insight into what kinds of students are looking for luxury student housing, and why. In the University of Oregon pamphlet guide to off-campus housing, many of the suggested options are big luxury complexes like The Pearl, Patterson, etc. I want to ask him why these are suggested to students by the university.
Eugene Weekly/ Shannon Finnell <
- This article examines the student housing bubble and the demand for housing. It gives me lots of good research and numbers, as well as other sources I can reach out to. It also gives basic information about the current state of the student housing bubble.
International Student and Scholar Services 2012-2013 Annual Report
- I think that this source will contribute good facts about the rising number of international students in recent years, which is important to take into account when considering student population growth that drives up demand for off-campus student housing. Also it could lead to finding answers to questions like, what kind of housing placement programs are there to help international students? And are they considered the same target consumer as domestic students?
Don Kahle- Register Guard
- This author writes a weekly column for the Register Guard, and has many opinions and writings on the new housing trend. It would be interesting to interview him and see where he gets the research and inspiration for the things the housing concerns that he writes about.