By Jamie Hershman

Sophia Clark is just another University of Oregon student: she grew up in a small city; she is studying journalism; and she speaks perfect English. But, she isn’t an average American. Actually, she didn’t grow up in America at all. Clark is a Japanese international student. Clark grew up in Osaka, Japan. She attended a […]


§13 · April 28, 2014 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

Dear Ms. Moffitt, I am writing to you as a reporter at the University of Oregon. I am a junior currently studying journalism and multimedia design. Currently, I am researching a story on the discussion over tuition dollars being increased to make up for the lack of state funding at the University of Oregon. I […]


§9 · April 21, 2014 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

1. There’s no denying that student election season at the University of Oregon creates harassment and annoyance on the student’s side against the campaigners. However, I want to explore the other side–the campaign side of elections, those that are seen as the harassers. I want to write a story from the point of view of […]


§7 · April 16, 2014 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

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