1. I would like to pursue a story regarding the amount of power groups that run for ASUO actually have if elected. They sell themselves on reducing tuition, decreasing the cost of textbooks and adding additional space for football games but can they actually do it? Groups in the past have promised the same changes but weren’t able to deliver.

2. It would interesting to find out how much of the artwork at the Jordan Schnitzer museum was donated in order to receive the tax write off and how much was donated in order to better the community. The NY Times recently ran a story about people donating art to receive the tax write off, so I think it would be interesting to see the extent to which this is happening.

3. One topic that interests many people are the amount of people who actually vote during elections. It would be interesting to investigate the importance college students put on voting during elections. Do they feel as though their vote is important enough to be cast?