Sports has always been a huge part of my life. Growing up I played any sport that I possibly could. Once I got to high school I decided to focus on soccer considering it was a sport that had always come naturally to me. During my sophomore year I had made the varsity squad and I was excited for the season to start. At this time I was thinking about possibly playing soccer in college. On the last day of daily doubles I went up for a header and was undercut by a freshman named James. This resulted in me breaking and dislocating my left wrist in two locations. Due to my broken wrist I was out for three months with numerous visits to Slocum on the way. Around the second month of rehab I was at Slocum with my parents waiting to get my last x-ray. In the waiting room I looked over and saw an ESPN Magazine with my favorite basketball player, LaMarcus Aldridge, on the cover. Aldridge is the power forward for the Portland Trailblazers. In the article he talked about an injury he had sustained while playing basketball in high school. He had broken his ankle during a practice. Once I read more of the article he referred to a bible verse that helped him get through this time. Once I read the verse I realized I could relate to it and it ended up sticking with me throughout high school. Once I turned 18 I decided to get this verse tattoo’d on my shoulder. Since then this verse has gotten me through several other injuries that I have sustained since my sophomore year of high school. After I read that article that featured Aldridge I realized I wanted to be a journalist and have that same impact on others.