Eugene, Ore — Jaclyn Umenhofer developed a desire for success at a very young age. In middle school she was in a special arts program, and in high school she won a fashion contest that she received national recognition for. Due to her winning this contest she was given the opportunity to go to New York as well.

It’s apparent failure has never been an option for Umenhofer.

Even though Umenhofer has experienced much success in her life she explained that she only enjoys being given praise for it if she feels as though she earned it. She doesn’t want to be given anything that she doesn’t feel as though she’s earned.

One specific situation where she doesn’t enjoy being given praise is during her birthday.

Umenhofer explained that she loves being part of other people’s birthdays and celebrating with them, but when it comes to her own birthday she feels very uncomfortable with it. The aspect she feels most uncomfortable about is the fact she’s receiving praise for not truly accomplishing anything. “I feel uncomfortable about my birthday because I’m being praised for not really doing anything,” said Umenhofer. “It’s just awkward”.

One person Umenhofer credits with this mindset for achieving success is a very close family friend that recently passed away.

Umenhofer explained that her desire for success could be partly be attributed to her neighbor who was more like an aunt. This aunt worked at a local bank as a secretary. While at this bank she developed a very business oriented mindset that she passed on to Umenhofer at a young age. This is evident by the fact that Umenhofer had her own business cards at the age of eight. These business cards were for her cleaning business that she started with her babysitter.

Umenhofer feels as though she’s been fortunate to have experienced success throughout her life because she learned at a young age how to be organized and have a business oriented mindset. She credits her aunt for teaching her these traits, and her mom agrees.