Eugene, Ore – Nobody hates the idea of failure more than Jaclyn Umenhofer. In her eyes failure isn’t an option and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. She explained she’s always had this mentality going into whatever task lies before her.

Umenhofer has experienced success in the classroom and at work, but the one area that she mentioned she didn’t feel as accomplished in was socially.

She has a group of five friends that she considers herself close with. Her freshman roommate, and a few coworkers. She doesn’t spend much quality time with anyone outside this group because she doesn’t enjoy having to deal with emotional burdens.

Umenhofer also explained that she’s a bit of a people pleaser and that it has a tendency to backfire. Being able to please others brings a sense of success to Umehofer, but if she isn’t able to fulfill her goal she feels like she failed.

The first instance of this backfiring came in high school while running for ASB. She thought she had a good chance to win but ended up losing to an upperclassman. “Running is just a popularity contest and I had just graduated from this little middle school in Springfield,” stated Umenhofer.

The following year she became more involved in school activities and decided to run again.

Fortunately this time she was elected.

This trend of achieving success can be traced back to her childhood where she developed a business oriented mindset. This mindset grew into Umenhofer becoming more organized and dedicated to every aspect of her life. She even won a national contest in high that resulted in her going to New York.

Failure is an unknown term to Umenhofer considering she works hard at everything she does.

Fortunately Umenhofer has felt more success than failure and hopes that trend continues into the future.