By Haley Martin
“Charmed and Dangerous,” By Laura Jacobs
Since this was a piece about a type of character in Hollywood and not a specific person, I like that the writer found a way to incorporate many different actors as examples. It verified her point and showed examples to prove her claims. She not only discussed many different actors, but she covered a wide range of time even though it was a relatively short piece, which can be challenging to do.
I liked the writer’s style and use of language, but I wish she would have included more scenery. It was heavy on description and analysis, but I wanted to be able to see what she was talking about. She mentioned a lot of different movies, assuming that the reader had seen all of them, but didn’t explain them.
I thought the writer did a nice job of comparing and contrasting the “bad boy” of the past with the current actors in Hollywood. She also tied in the conclusion with the intro, mention the term “the Prince of Darkness” at the beginning and in the end. She had nice transitions, starting each graf with a brief note that explained where in time she was speaking about. I thought the lead was a little heavy, I would have broken it up into an intro and a nut graf to make it a little more readable.
Well-written, but I’d file this as an opinion, essay or column piece, not a feature story. Hint: when there are no quotes from sources, it’s either opinion or essay.