Bad Behavior Never Goes Un-PUNished

Paula Deen was not, is not, and will not be your ordinary celebrity. In fact, her celebrity came to form late in her life. At a time when most are preparing for empty nest syndrome or planning for retirement Paula Deen was discovered, and found wealth. Paula went from a normal mother to chef stardom, and everyone took notice. Having raised several kids, while still providing warm home cooked meals made her relatable to the everyday American. She provided indulgent delicious recipes that would please any taste bud. Fans quickly accepted the name Paula Deen to be synonymous with delicious, and with The Food Network and other big names adding to her credibility she went from your grandma next door to a millionaire “buttah-queen” on T.V.

With the exception of girls on strict diets, it seemed for a period that everyone had some form of love for Paula’s southern charm and down home cooking. But what blows up, must come down.

In a market of social exchange theory Paula looses. Now this southern miss is under fire, stemming from an allegation of racism, and flowering into the exposure of her real life:living with type 2 diabetes. She is clearly promoting unhealthy recipes when she should have learned from the direct consequences of her poor health. I understand that Paula did not want to publicly announce her diabetes for fear of her image, but if she considered the social exchange theory, she would have realized the long term costs far outweigh the benefits. Now she is facing the consequences, and being seen as a liar, as well as a bad influence on America. She first publicly announced she was living with type 2 diabetes for three years on the Today Show, but instead of using her charm she came off as though she was portraying herself as a victim. She missed a huge opportunity to educate victims of the disease.

Soon after she had a special on Doctor OZ confessing her health issues, and discussing the dangers of her high caloric southern diet. She pathetically asked for Doctor Oz’s help to break her worst habits. And that was the last we heard about her choosing a different path.

We can also scrutinize Paula Deen for being a bad role model within the social learning theory. Is Paula Deen a sellout for capitalizing on her diabetes and partnering with a diabetes drug company, which led to her cover-ups? Paula went from being a spokesperson for southern fried cooking, to being the spokesperson for the drug company Novo. Once The Food Network caught wind of her cover-up of her health condition she was soon dropped. Paula made a bad behavior choice and was punished for it.

Paula Deens integrity is appearing to be as solid as a stick-o-butta. It’s no wonder once she had to face the heat she spiraled into a meltdown! I think there’s a fat chance that she will ever restore her brand to what it was.

When the cover up of her lifestyle was exposed Paula still had all the power to turn it into something positive. Her fan base has been founded upon her relate-ability. Diabetes affects 26 million Americans, and is the third most common cause of death. If she had a good P.R. they should have advised her to become very active in speaking about diabetes, and seriously promoting the prevention of the disease. Being the third leading cause of death in the united states, should could have re-released her cookbooks with simple substitutions that would make them more heart healthy. For example olive oil instead of 4 sticks of butter, whole wheat flour vs. white flour, etc.

Also Paula could have used this as a gain and put out a low-impact workout video. I believe she could have done a great job with her personality, and also served as motivation as people watched her body transform. Middle aged women and stay at home mothers would have been likely to pick up the regimen, the same as they did her cookbooks.

Also, Paula should have stressed the importance of reversing the effects of diabetes, and spoke out against her previous unhealthy life style choices. By not doing any of these things, and being under scrutiny in the public eye, she has now lost her credibility.

Paula Deen

Now Paula could even be seen as a mockery, and all of her previous sponsors have dropped her to avoid damaging their reputation by association. Such games as this one linked from TMZ show how she in becoming a fuel source for puns. I also have found multiple websites, including this twitter page, that are constatly turning her into a negative joke. Lets hope Paula is financially sound enough to take a break from the public eye.

Paula Deen: Picking up the pieces game

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