End of the BCS


End of the BCS

Is College Football Ready For Women?

December 4, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

By: Mark Fania


In mid October 2013, college football announced that Condoleezza Rice was announced to the College Football playoff Selection Committee. Condoleezza is the first women to become a part of the college football selection process, and many people have voiced their disapproval.

In attempts to justify her selection, Condoleezza joined Collin Cowherd of ESPN for an interview. In this interview Condoleezza explains that Larry Scott, the Pac 12 commissioner, and  member of the playoff selection committee approached her and asked her to join the committee. Shocked by the request, Condoleezza asked why she would be a valuable asset to the selection committee. Larry Scott and other commissioners voiced that the selection committee could use diverse prospective which was justified by Condoleezza’s background in college football while being a provost at Stanford. Larry Scott and other commissioners also  expressed that her experience and ability to make decisions under pressure is a quality they need.

Being the only Women on the selection committee, and one of three that did not play football out of the 13, Condoleezza has drawn even more disapproval. Other playoff selection committee members have even voiced their opinion that they don’t know if Condoleezza is the right person for the job. However, Condoleeza argues in her interview with USA Today, “I don’t feel like I’m carrying a banner for anyone, except those who love college football. That includes women. For me, this is trying to get playoff system right so that we can have outcomes in which players, coaches and fans know that people of goodwill and integrity are trying to make good judgments.” With the ultimate goal of the playoff to establish the best team, Condoleezza may bring just the right point of view that the selection committee is looking for.

Condoleezza’s interview with Colon Cowherd justifying her place on the selection committee is an example of situational theory. Situational theory states, that public’s can be identified and classified in the context to which they are aware of the problem and the extent to which they do something about the problem.

Condoleeza used situational theory to resolve the issue by:

  • Problem recognition: Recognizing there is a problem with the current BCS system, and she wants the best for players, coaches, and fans, so she agreed to join the selection committee to make college football better.
  • Constraint recognition: Condoleezza realizes she is the only women and is one of three not to play college football, but she believes her knowledge of the sports and decision making abilities will make up for the areas she lacks.
  • Level of involvement: As stated in the interview, before accepting the position Condoleeza asked about the time involvement and made she she was able to devote the amount of time needed and more to make the playoff selection committee successful.
  • Condoleezza believes her interview expressing her knowledge and involvement in college football will resolve some of the concerns about women in college football.

This is an example of positive public relations for the College Football Playoff Committee because it is proving to people that they want the playoffs to be a success and they are seeking divers people to be on the Committee. Also The interview with Colin Cowherd is positive public relations in the sense that Condoleezza is providing fans reasons as to why she was selected and what she brings to the committee that others might not.

There may always be some concern for Condoleezza being a women on the selection committee, but through her interview and positive public relations it is evident that the playoff committee is trying its best to do what is right for college football.


Other sources:

Pat Dye expresses disapproval 


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