Kate as a New Mother

As we all know, Kate Middleton and Prince Henry welcomed their first child into the world in the beginning of July this year. They decided to name the boy George Alexander Louis. The excitement around the pregnancy and birth of the royal baby was not just a focal point in England; it was also a big deal in the United States and many other countries. The excitement surrounded by the topic was in headlines throughout her pregnancy and now that the baby is here, that has not changed. Kate, Prince Henry and baby George are constantly in the spotlight. And an important topic that is going to be looked at constantly is the type of mother Kate is going to be. There was a lot of pressure on her just being pregnant since she is apart of the Royal Family now. But now that the child is actually here, there is going to be more pressure on her. She has to show not only her family, but the world, what kind of mother she is going to be.

The Duchess has been involved in many charity events and a recent one was for children. She is constantly thinking about her son and wants to make sure she can be the best mom for him. “‘She was very interested in the early years, from newborns to five-year-olds, which I guess is because she’s a new mother but also because she’s interested,'” Byron said, according to Clarence House.” Since she went to that charity event, she has become more involved with it because of her new job of being a mother. She’s proven to all of us that she is capable of being in the media and being able to manage being a new mother. She could not be more in love with her baby.

The social learning theory is important when it comes to the motherhood of Kate Middleton. With this theory it is described that we learn from what we see. When we see something in the news, we are going to relate that to our lives and learn from the outcomes of the situation. We model their behavior if the outcome is something that we would want. She knows that she is an important focus around the world. Therefore, she has to watch her what she says and does. Now that she is a mother, she has to worry about herself and her child. She is a woman that involves herself in charities revolving around children, that is going to help her image of being a new mother. She’s proving to everyone that being a mother is something very special to her. We learn from her that since becoming a mother, it is something that she was born to do. She is constantly thinking about her new baby and she is glowing every time she has her picture taken. She just wants to show and teach the world how being a mother is such a privilege and we can tell that alone, with the pictures of her and her beautiful family.




-Samantha Haglund

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