A New Mother’s Influence Through Children’s Charities

I looked at Kate’s image through her involvement with children’s charities after becoming a mother. She does a lot of work with children’s charities. In all of the articles about this involvement it is discussed in light of her being a new mother. (IB Times, IB Times)

Through situational theory, it appears that they are doing this to make her more easily relatable. If more mothers can relate to Kate then they might not feel as constrained and could feel more inclined to also help these charities. By presenting Kate as a “mother” rather than a “duchess”, her good deeds become tangible to the masses, rather than perceived as something that only a person of her stature could accomplish.

She is also portrayed playing with children and acting as any other mother would. In this video it shows Kate interacting with children at a hospital and just how relatable she is (besides all of the cameras and news people surrounding her). She is shown singing to the children along with other simple ways of helping that are easy for most people to do. It is much different than donating mass sums of money, which not everyone can relate to.

The main point that she is trying to relay to the public is that helping children is significant and she is showing this through her importance of raising royalty. Even though she is a duchess, she is also a mother and many women can relate to this and will be inspired to follow in her footsteps. She is trying to increase the level of involvement of the public by giving recognition to the problem and trying to show them that their constraint isn’t very high. She is showing that their constraint recognition should be low by presenting herself as a fellow mother throughout her help with children’s charities.

Nicole Kuppens


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