
As a group we focused on how the image of the royal family changed during the course of Kate and Williams relationship. We focused on how Kate’s image has changed during the pregnancy, and what role the media has in this portrayal.

We examined the role of agenda setting theory in regards to all mass media surrounding the royal couple, William and Kate. Agenda setting tells the public what sorts of issues they should be focusing on and draws publicity to specific topics the media deems important. During the stages of Kate Middleton’s pregnancy, the media told the public what aspects of her life we should be focusing on. This continued throughout the pregnancy, and culminated in a mass media celebration of the birth of Prince George.

We then looked at Kate’s interaction with children’s charities with her new “mom” title. Using the situational theory, we looked at how she is newly portrayed as a mother in order to make the constraint recognition towards working with charities seem lower to fellow mothers. By doing this, it should increase the level of involvement of the public in children’s charities. A New Mother’s Influence Through Children’s Charities

With Kate being in the media for her involvement with Children’s Charities, we can also see what kind of mother she is going to be. The media is going to follow her every step of being a mother. It followed her throughout  her pregnancy and now that George is actually here, PR is going to display Kate’s  motherhood. We examine the social learning theory in regards to her motherhood. With public relations and this theory, we are going to see the way Kate acts as a mother and we can see what we learn from her as she encounters being a mother who is always going to be in the media.

We also looked at how Middleton’s public image is created using different media for different age groups using the uses & gratifications theory.