Tagged: dance major

Culture: Inside the World of a Dancer


Music Intro…

(Music plays softly in the background throughout video; whole video is black and white)

0:00-0:05 Medium shot of dancer in Gerlinger annex. Her body is reflected in the mirror. “Inside the world of a Dancer” in white text appears in the middle of the frame

0:07-0:33 Dakota continues dances in Gerlinger annex, medium shot. Audio plays over dancing:

Dakota: I’m Dakota Bouher, I’m a dance major at the University of Oregon and I’m a junior. I started when I was a sophomore in high school with the dance team in Bandon, where I’m from. And… then the next year when I was sixteen and a junior in high school I started taking ballet technique at our local studio and I took that for junior and senior year… And then when I got to University I started taking modern and kept taking ballet and then that spring I declared a major.

0:26 – 0:34 Close up of feet dancing with audio

0:35 – 0:47: Music gets louder, audio ends. Camera begins panning upward.

00:48 – 1:15 Medium shot of Dakota during interview in sunroom

Dakota: I always wanted to dance. I can remember being like five years old and wanting to start ballet and do that, but I.. for some reason played soccer, which I hated and then um… I quit that and just never really started. I never wanted to ask for dance, it’s kind of an expensive hobby and I just… and even growing up I just knew we didn’t really have the means and so I… I just kind of put it out of my mind.

1:16-1:39 Long shot of her dancing at the education school outside in the rain. She is dancing on a bench in the gazebo. A tree is behind her and you see another building behind the tree. Audio plays over dancing:

Dakota: I had never really thought that I would be good enough to do it. But then when I started when I was sixteen with the ballet technique it caught on really quickly and I had to start with a class with little kids, and I think I just moved up from that. And I was aiding from the little kid class and taking like a regular class and I just kept going.

1:40 – 1:48 Moves back to medium shot of Dakota speaking in her interview

Dakota: Hopefully for my future in dance I’ll be performing with a company that travels, so I’ll get to see part of the world that I wouldn’t get to see otherwise.

1:49-1:59 moves to long shot of Dakota dancing. She dances in front of a music building, trees and benches. Camera begins to pan at 1:57. Audio plays over dancing:

Dakota: And I want to be working with children, and I want to try to make dance a more accessible hobby for families for all income levels, but especially low-income families.

2:00-2:15 Music increases and audio stops as she dances in the wind, camera pans and follows her movement. Audio begins again and plays over dancing at 2:06:

Dakota: One of the challenges that I face, and that other dancers I think face is the body image challenge. We feel pressured with the need to be really thin, and I think one of the um… issues there is how many calories it actually requires to be a dancer. We’re so active and we’re so physical every day.

2:14 -2:30 Moves to extreme long shot of Dakota dancing in the center of the education buildings with audio over it

2:31 Moves back to medium shot interview in the sun-room

Dakota: I’ve never had a food problem, and I hope people in our program don’t have a food problem but it definitely is outside of this university and it’s a real issue, and I think that one of the main things of overcoming it is education and knowing how important taking care of the body that you do have is because if you don’t you won’t have it anymore.

2:58-3:07 Credits: white text on a black background

April May – Director, Editor

Chloe Stoller – Stylist, Co-Editor

Conner Gordon – Co-Interviewer

Dakota Bouher – Dancer

Freemusicarchive.org – Porthglaze Cove

Production Role:

For this project, I aided in location scouting and directing during all parts of filming as well as being behind the camera to double check shot angles and styling. We used a HMC40 camera and one tripod to film. I brought my digital camera Rebel XT but the still shots were unnecessary for this video.  I helped interview Dakota along with the rest of my group. April and I edited together, and she did most of the editing because it is difficult for two people to edit video at once. I also found the music for the video as well as wrote the script. It was a challenge finding out subject, we weren’t able to use the original ballet company we had intended. There was also difficulties with communication and scheduling in our group.