Audrey: Character Study
[0:00-0:36] Audrey Gloss: So my name is Audrey Gloss and I’m a senior here at University of Oregon. So I probably started playing basketball in elementary school. I played soccer and basketball at the same time and I’ve always had more of a passion for basketball. And, my mom put me in YMCA so I started out playing YMCA, so I was very familiar with the process and just the environment of it. And then my mom and dad put me in club ball. I started playing more competitively in elementary school and middle school and then high school came along and now in college I play intermurals. So I’ve kind of played basically my entire life and just focused on basketball.
[0:37-1:07] [Fade in natural sound of basketball practice]
Audrey Gloss: With YMCA I am a fifth grade girls volunteer coach. So twice a week we go down to pleasant hill elementary school, and I teach these girls who this is their second year playing basketball (their first year playing basketball was last year), so I’ve continued on playing with them and coaching them . I just teach them the fundamentals of basketball, I teach them sportsmanship, I teach them basically just how to play with a team and basically just how to play a sport because they’ve never played one before.
[1:07] [Fade out natural sound of basketball practice]
[1:07-1:24] Audrey Gloss: Their family life isn’t as well as what I grew up with. A lot of their parents don’t come to the games. I know that, you know, they kind of live in more of country neighborhoods. They lives aren’t as blessed as how I grew up with,
[1:24] [Fade in natural sound of basketball practice]
[1:24-1:32] but by their families putting them in sports I feel that its really created that escape for them from their, you know, maybe their not as good home life or their rough school life.
[1:32] [Fade out natural sound of basketball practice]
[1:32 – 2:26] Audrey Gloss: So as a child and even now, my family was a huge support to me. Every single game I had they were there whether they had to drive three hours or whether they had to pay a co-fee to get into the tournament; basketball was a huge part of our life. We had team dinners every once a week, and it really got me into the way I am now. The person I am today is how basketball has made me. I was taught to never be late, never let down your team, so I’m never late to an interview, a team meeting, or anything like that, or class. I really know the aspect of a family and a team [2:09 fade in basketball game natural sound] and when I work in group projects I realize how important that bond that you have with them is really important because basketball and my team has taught me that. So there’s a lot of things I’ve learned through basketball and through the support of my family always being they’re for me that I bring those attributes with me wherever I go with whatever I do.
[2:26] [Fade out natural sound of basketball practice]
[2:27-2:51] Audrey Gloss: My favorite part about going to the practices is being able to see those girls. [2:32 -2:51 natural sound] And being able to just kinda… well it’s also an escape for me as well. I’m able to like… let go of all the problems I’m having at school, or relationship problems, and just come and hangout with these girls because they’re so excited to be there, they’re so willing to learn and just be excited to play sports.
[2:52- 3:02] When people say what do you want to be when you grow up? What are you striving for? And I’m striving for, you know, being able to be a great mother and have a family. I definitely hope my children do play sports, and I will encourage them. Absolutely.
[3:02-3:08] Credit Slide