Sarah Hagy – About Me

University of Oregon.  Journalism & French.  Runner, Traveler, Creator.

Sarah Hagy is a senior at the University of Oregon studying Journalism and French.  She is an Oregonian at heart and loves living in the Northwest.  Sarah has always been passionate about traveling.  She grew up with a large family and spent every summer exploring the outdoors and camping.  She has seen almost every national park on the west coast and been in over 20 states.  One of her favorite activities is running.  Sarah comes from a family of runners and competed in cross-country and track in high school.  She attributes her ambition, tenacity, confidence, strength, focus, and resilience to years of running.  Last year she participated in Hood To Coast and her next goal is training for a marathon.

Sarah has written and illustrated a book for children as well as several blogs about the arts, culture,  lifestyle, and travel.  In her free time Sarah enjoys reading, writing, painting, knitting, and cooking.  Her favorite things are waffles, fresh fruit, the color blue, the ocean, stormy weather and chai tea, old buildings and history, fountains,  wildflowers, chocolate cake, peanut butter, online shopping, cereal, pasta, and any kind of bread.  As a full-time student with a part-time job, her only wish is that she had more time to spend with the people she loves doing the things she loves.

Sarah is a very curious and passionate person.  She enjoys challenges and pushing her limits.  When a new topic sparks her interest she always wants to learn more.  Sarah believes your experiences shape your character.  She wants to make the most out of life and be everything she can be.  Every person has a dream country or continent.  Sarah has always dreamed of traveling through Europe.  She spent this summer studying abroad in France and also visited Holland and Ireland.  Spending a summer abroad helped Sarah discover more about what she wants out of life.  She has decided to move to France after she graduates from the University of Oregon to work as an English Teaching Assistant and improve her French.

Sarah chose to study journalism because she loves to write and enjoys talking with people.  Sarah loves telling stories and her dream job would be to write for a travel magazine.  She believes it is important to inspire a love of travel in others and in this way create a greater understanding of cultural differences and diversity. Sarah hopes to live in Europe for several years and eventually travel to Australia, South Asia, and South Africa as well.