Tag Archives: surveys

The State of Ed Tech at the University of Oregon: Tech Staff Perspectives

Published on: Author: Lindsey Freer Leave a comment

This post was originally created for the new UO Ed Tech Community of Practice. I’m cross-posting it here for informational and archival purposes. –Lindsey Introduction For the first meeting of our new Ed Tech Community of Practice, we developed a structured activity. We asked everyone in attendance to answer four questions on a notecard: Who are… Continue reading

Winter Technology Workshops for CAS Faculty

Published on: Author: Lindsey Freer Leave a comment

Please note: These workshops are designed specifically for faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. If you are not affiliated with a CAS department and are interested in learning more about some of these topics, let the InTRO office know. We can help you find training services. Join CASIT Training Specialist Mike Moresi for… Continue reading