Tag Archives: digital pedagogy

Winter Quarter TEP Workshop: Blended Courses!

Published on: Author: Lindsey Freer Leave a comment

Looking to enliven your teaching this quarter? Check out this upcoming workshop from the Teaching Effectiveness Program! Blended Courses: Combining Online with Face-to-Face Instruction Week 8: Fri, Feb. 27 2:00-3:30pm, Proctor 42, Knight Library Facilitator: Robert Voelker-Morris Discover how courses combine face-to-face instruction with online teaching in ways that increase student engagement and learning. Participants… Continue reading

Inflection Points of 2015

Published on: Author: Greg Leave a comment

The EDUCAUSE Review (online, January 12, 2015) reflected on top ten technology issues facing higher education in 2015, considering these to have “reached an inflection point—the point at which the trends that have dominated thought leadership and have motivated early adopters are now cascading into the mainstream.” Each issue identified has value in relation to… Continue reading

Self-Service Video Production

Published on: Author: Greg 3 Comments

An intriguing option for developing video-based content at UO can be seen in a system recently and successfully deployed at Penn State University. The One Button Studio is a simplified video recording setup that can be used without any previous video production experience. The design of the studio allows the user to create high-quality and… Continue reading

UO Faculty Panel on Active Teaching & Learning

Published on: Author: Greg Leave a comment

The Working Group for Active Teaching and Learning (sponsored by Academic Affairs, CAS, UO Libraries and the Committee for Academic Infrastructure) is holding a panel discussion and dialogue on their experiences with active teaching and learning activities. Come hear how UO faculty and students are taking advantage of new active learning environments to enhance their… Continue reading

Conference Summary: Instructional Technology Roundtable, Portland (NWACC)

Published on: Author: Lindsey Freer 1 Comment

Kassia and Lindsey were in Portland last week for the NorthWest Academic Computing Consortium‘s annual Instructional Technology Roundtable. The downtown Portland setting was an energizing one–it gave Lindsey, InTRO’s NYC refugee, a little taste of home! The roundtable is a small regional conference geared towards instructional technology practitioners. While overall numbers are small–roughly fifty people… Continue reading