Tag Archives: course design

Faculty Participation and Retention in Online & Blended Learning

Published on: Author: Lindsey Freer 1 Comment

In the October issue of eCampus News there’s a very nice summary of a study conducted by Dr. Kristen Betts of Drexel University on the faculty of Armstrong Atlantic State University. This study built upon a 1997 study conducted at George Washington University, updating the original GWU survey instruments in order to capture usefully comparable… Continue reading

New from NITLE: Case Studies on Digital Collaboration and Blended/Hybrid Learning

Published on: Author: Lindsey Freer 2 Comments

As a long-time advocate for active learning and creative pedagogies in the undergraduate classroom, I’m naturally a big fan of NITLE (the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education). This summer, in consultation with the Associated Colleges of the South, they’ve been putting out a total of sixteen new case studies showcasing different efforts in technology… Continue reading