Rethinking College – PBS Newshour Series

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The InTRO program at UO has formed partly to inventory the resources for instructional technology around  campus. As we talk with faculty and staff, I think it is useful to realize that the challenges faced by UO about these issues are reflected at institutions throughout the country, and make up part of a national media conversation about higher education as well.

Two segments from a recent series, “Rethinking College,” by the PBS Newshour may provide food for thought as UO considers the role of online courses and the place of instructional technology in its undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs. The first [aired Wednesday, 8/27/14] presents perspectives on MOOCs, Hybrid and Blended courses, as well as ‘traditional’ in-person classrooms. [Segment begins after 30 second sponsorship ad, sorry.]



An earlier segment [aired Monday, 8/25/14] took a look at the nature of an academic major/degree, through the lens of credit-hour vs. competencies as a measure of completion. Since the coverage focuses on the ‘College of America’ online initiative at South New Hampshire University, it may also raises valuable points for debate. [Again, wait for the 30 second sponsorship ad.]



You can find the entire “Rethinking College” series, as well as other Newshour stories about Education at their website.


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