2023 Creative Team

Jessica Ruth Baker

Jessica Ruth Baker

Story Coach; Development Director, Oregon Supported Living Program

Jessica Ruth Baker (Story Coach) is a Maryland transplant who has lived in Oregon for seven years. She received her BFA and BA in acting and scenic/costume design, respectively, from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and her master’s degree in nonprofit management with a graduate certificate in arts management from the UO. Jessica currently serves as the development director for the Oregon Supported Living Program after having created and filled the role of Interim Executive Director at the Very Little Theatre, VLT’s first full-time paid staff member. She studied storytelling under Chirine Al-Ansary, a master international storyteller based in Egypt, and has worked in many forms of performance including mask, mime, Commedia dell’Arte, puppetry, and devised immersive theatre.

Whitney Donielson

Whitney Donielson

Story Coach; Coordinator for Nontraditional Student Engagement and Success

Whitney Donielson (she/they) works for the Office of the Dean of Student supporting and advocating for nontraditional students. She loves making and listening to audio stories and podcasts and has enjoyed guiding someone else thorough the storytelling process during Intertwined. She loves reading short fiction, cooking, hanging out with her spouse and their dog, and between 2020 and 2021, she visited all 100+ City of Eugene parks and natural areas.

Sarah Blanchard

Sarah Blanchard

Story Coach; Coordinator of Leadership and Community Engagement

Sarah Blanchard has been at the University of Oregon for almost a decade; shortly after receiving her bachelor’s degrees in 2017 she was hired on as a staff member at the Holden Center where she coordinates leadership and service programming for students on campus. She has been involved with Intertwined for the past four years – as a storyteller, story coach, and member of the planning committee. She highly encourages all students (and staff) to consider becoming a storyteller for Intertwined, as it is such a transformative and empowering process. Outside of work, Sarah enjoys backpacking, rock climbing, tea drinking, and piano playing.

Alexis Drakatos

Alexis Drakatos

Story Coach; Coordinator of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Education Program

Alexis Drakatos (she/hers) works in the Office of the Dean of Students coordinating the substance abuse prevention and education program. She loves reading celebrity autobiographies, taking her dog Bandit on long walks along the river, and has been making a monthly playlists of newly discovered songs and artists since December of 2014.

Abigail Leeder

Abigail Leeder

Story Coach; Director; Director of Experiential Prevention Initiatives

Abigail Leeder serves as the director of experiential prevention initiatives with the Office of the Dean of Students at UO. She is the director of Rehearsals for Life graduate student theatre troupe and loves working with storytelling and interactive theatre as tools for personal growth and social change. Co-creating Intertwined with a group of talented and passionate people is always a highlight of her year.


Rachel Bash

Rachel Bash

Story Coach; Faculty at University of Nebraska Omaha

Rachel Bash once roamed the green lungs of the Oregon forest and now, since August of 2020, wanders the prairies of Nebraska. But you can’t keep her away from Intertwined! Having been a member of the planning committee, a story coach, and a storyteller, Rachel is thrilled to be invited to participate again from two hours in the future. Aside from long walks, Rachel loves trying out new recipes, nesting, and (always) books.

Rory Godek

Rory Godek

Student Director; Story Coach; Set Designer; Undergraduate Student, Sociology & Global Studies

Rory Godek (they/she) is a third year undergraduate student at University of Oregon majoring in Sociology and Global Studies with big dreams for her future career in addressing mental health inequities. They are involved with Rehearsals for Life and many Prevention Science Initiatives. This year they are working closely with Abigail Leeder to organize the 7th annual Intertwined event  for the second year in a row!  In her free time, you can find Rory adventuring outside; whether it be rock climbing, hiking, exploring downtown, or sunbathing on the minimal sunny Oregon days.