

Saturday, January 26th 2019


Straub Hall at the University of Oregon

The event features a mix of interactive workshops and presentations, ranging in topics of SCIENCE, ART and BUSINESS, plus a free networking reception (yes with food) at the end of the day!

For an exclusive 200 attendees, this event provides resources and opportunities for students to start utilizing their entrepreneurial skills and connecting with resources that will help them succeed in the innovative world today.

Topics of scheduled events will include aspects of art, science and business, and will emphasize how interdisciplinary innovation is utilized across several fields of study.


Presenters include:

Troy Campbell – Assistant Professor of Marketing and Design Psychologist

Julia Sykes – Director of CASLS and Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics

Johanna Seasonwein – Leadership and Communications Consulting

FROG – Comic Book Author

TutorTree – Student Startup

Music Industry Collective

University Innovation Fellows – Design Thinking

…and more!


Check out Last years INNOVATION SUMMIT 2017