Q&A with Julie Dewsnup-Program Director of Remote Islands Diabetes Education (RIDE) Program

By: Jessica Hales

How did you get to know Rich Hackett?

J: I currently work at the pharmacy at the University of Oregon Health Center, and Sea Mercy does advertising with the pharmacy here. I personally contacted Rich because I wanted to get involved in the program.

What made you want to get involved in the program?

 J: In addition to working in the pharmacy at the health center, I work with students to help manage their Type 1 Diabetes. Most people don’t know, but in the South Pacific diabetes effects nearly 40% of the population in the Pacific Islands and account for nearly 60% of deaths. Not managing diabetes can cause individuals to lose their limbs and sight.  With my expertise in this field, I wanted to help educate people and prevent diabetes. I wanted to help change lives. What Rich has created with this program is an amazing thing, and I wanted to be apart of it

Have you gone on any trips with Sea Mercy?

J: No not yet, but I am going to Tonga and Fiji with the program during August, which I am really excited about.

What specifically will you be doing over in Tonga/Fiji and what are you doing now to prepare?

J: What we plan to do in Tonga and Fiji is educate the people about diabetes and how to prevent it. We will focus on teaching exercise, healthy eating, and ways to their manage diabetes. We are currently creating movies to show the young children so they will learn these habits at a young age. We are also setting up appointments for individuals, and partnering with the optometrists who are coming with us because eyes are majorly impacted when diabetes is not properly managed.

What aspects of working here at the university’s pharmacy are you going to bring over to Tonga/Fiji?

J:  There is a lot of diversity here on campus, so I have had to adapt to a vast amount of different people’s needs. I have worked here for 25 years, so I have a lot of experience with this work, and I love working with people. I think always working with people will give me a positive experience and allow me to really take in their culture.

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