ເລືອກພາສາ Choose a Language:
- Inclusive Education Glossary
- This is a glossary of IE terminology developed by the University of Oregon.
- Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) (Government of Lao PDR)
- Useful information on education in Lao PDR can be found on the MoES website. MoES has produced several policy documents on Inclusive Education.
- National IE Policy
- National IE Strategy
- UNESCO IE resources
- UNESCO has produced several toolkits on Inclusive Friendly Learning Environments (ILFE) in English and has translated these into the Lao language.
- UNESCO resources
- Hesperian Health Guides Website
- Various books are available at the Hesperian Health Guides website in English and Lao language that give practical information on how to support children with disabilities. Important books include Disabled Village Children (only in English), Helping Children Who Are Blind (English and Lao), and Helping Children Who Are Deaf (English and Lao).
Webpage for Lao resources
- Disabled Village Children
- Lao Disabled People’s Association
- The Lao Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a membership-based organisation for people with disability advocating disability rights and providing services to members based on their needs.
- Association for the Deaf
- The Association for the Deaf (AFD) is a self-help association that promotes the rights of people who are deaf or hard of hearing. AFD has produced a variety of videos to help learn Lao sign language. These can be accessed on YouTube via their website:
Videos – Lao sign language
- Lao Sign Language
- Hand Talk Lao
- Association for Autism (AFA)
- The Association for Autism (AFA) is a parents’ association that raises awareness and disseminates knowledge about autism, provides education to persons with autism, and trains parents and teachers on how to support children with autism.
- Big Brother Mouse
- Big Brother Mouse is a not-for-profit publishing project in Lao PDR. They focus on publishing books that improve literacy and quality of life, as well as on making those books accessible, particularly in rural Lao villages.
- Youtube Videos about Disability and Lao PDR
- UNICEF ‘My Village’ We can do it!
- Intellectual Disabilities Unit in Laos- Project Compassion 2016
- Strengthening Women with Disabilities in Laos
- Additional IE Resources produced by CRS Laos
- Individual Education Plan (IEP) Training of Trainers (TOT) Manual
- TOT Manual for creating School Gardens using Child-centered Teaching Methods
- More information about the Food for Education program and external stakeholders
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program
- Catholic Relief Services
- University of Oregon
- Room to Read
- Links to Organisations on Facebook
- Many different organizations have Facebook pages where you can learn more about their work in Lao PDR and share information:
- LEAPS in Laos
- Room to Read
- Let’s Include All
- Association for Autism
- Lao Disabled People’s Association
- Association for the Deaf
- Association for the Blind
- Big Brother Mouse
- Lao Disabled Women’s Development Centre (LDWDC)
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