Welcome to Module 4

moduleWelcome to Module 4

Developing and Writing IEP Goals

ການພັດທະນາ ແລະ ການຂຽນເປົ້າໝາຍຂອງແຜນການສຶກສາສະເພາະບຸກຄົນ

By John Lind, PhD

This module gives instructions on developing and writing Annual Goals for a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). It explains the three main considerations for developing reasonable Annual Goals and related Short-term Objectives for students who need changes in their school environment, materials or activities.

You will learn to:

  1. Define “Annual Goal” or “IEP Goal.”
  2. Identify how many annual goals should be developed for a child.
  3. Identify the three main considerations for developing annual goals for the IEP.
  4. Select the most reasonable or appropriate goal for a specific student from a list of goals.


First, we are going to do a test to see how much you know about the topics in this Module. We will do the test at the beginning of the module to see what you already know, and at the end of the module to see what new information you have learned. This helps us to measure how successful this module is in training you.