Welcome to Module 3

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Individualized Education Plans (IEP) Overview and Definitions

ແຜນການສຶກສາສະເພາະບຸກຄົນ (IEP) ພາບລວມ ແລະ ຄຳນິຍາມ

By John Lind, PhD
This module provides an overview of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
It also defines important parts of the IEP document and process.

You will learn to:

  1. Describe the 3 main purposes of an Individualized Education Plan.
  2. Identify who is on a child’s IEP Team.
  3. Define the main parts of an IEP, including Current Academic and Practical Skills.


First, we are going to do a test to see how much you know about the topics in this Module. We will do the test at the beginning of the module to see what you already know, and at the end of the module to see what new information you have learned. This helps us to measure how successful this module is in training you.