My current relationship with distractions are that they terrify me. I spend so much time procrastinating that I refuse to commit to anything.
“Do you want to go to [stereotypical college activity] next monday?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Yeah maybe. It’s my out just incase I procrastinate all week and really can’t come. And they accept that answer, because more often than not I go anyway because by the end of the weekend I welcome the distraction.
The hardest part is taking the first step. I find this applies to everything I do. I put my foot forward, and how long it takes to land really depends on how long I can suspend my real life. Youtube, reddit, Netflix, all hold me in limbo. I’m waiting for the penny to drop; but when my head is in the clouds it’s a long drop, and who knows if I’ll even hear it when it lands.
My foot has dropped though, and the penny with it. The fat lady is waiting in the wings.
It is assumption that is the real culprit. Yeah maybe is an admittance that I might procrastinate. It’s the expectation that my consumption of inconsequential drivel is going to stop me from getting anything done. Assumption is a self fulfilling prophecy. So now I assume that I will get my work done.
Whether I do is up to me.

Maybe I’ll watch something until I fall asleep