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What is art for? Essay Assignment

  • Consider the origins of art
  • Explore a brief history of Western Art
  • Examine multiple perspectives for evaluating art


The term Paleoanthropsychobiological was coined by Dissanayake, and what Dissanayake meant by this word is to show the different and multiple sides of art in society today and the natural abstract of it. Dissanayake considers art more broad and something that is more universal.
When you look at this word “Paleoanthropsychobiological” you see multiple words made up into one. By doing this, it describes how art has tons of culture ad history by putting Paleontology, anthropological, psychological and biological all into one word. It describes how art has tons of culture and history in it.
She brings up the word “making special” to describe the artist making their piece of work extra ordinary and meaningful to the public. Humans have the ability to do this unlike animals. It sets us apart from other species. Making something special provides something to grow. Such as music, when humans making something “special” we provide for that certain song, or album to grow and develop and become a big hit. We provided that piece of ART to grow and develop.
Dissanayake brings up many different movements/ theories of art throughout western European     history.
The first movement Dissanayake brings up is the medieval period. Art was very limited and only in service of religion. This theory of art said that humans point of view of the piece of art was different then the artists. During the medieval period “ having a correct understanding of the principles involved” rather then the way we think of it as now. (pg17)
Another movement is Modernism, where she considers art as Ideology. A term that she used was “disinterested” which referred that humans could appreciate and enjoy the art piece  even if they did not understand it, even if it was from outside their own culture. Every one could judge the piece in an unbiased way. (pg18) Another term that is important during this movement was “art for arts sake” saying that art gave opportunities to enjoy. (pg 18) Art in this modernism period is related to personal experience.
 Dissanayake brings up the post modernists theory of the species-centered view of art. It is based on the idea of interpretation.  And how ”art is of supreme value and a source for heightened personal experience”. “it does this by thinking of art making and experiencing as a human behavior” (pg 22) this idea is pretty similar to the idea of modernism Ideology.
Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Ellen Dissanyake had many interesting points on the idea of What is art. i didn’t really know much about this topic before i read this. It allowed me the chance to broaden my knowledge about the history of artistic movements in Western cultures. I really loved the idea she brought up of “disinterest” (18) basically saying how you don’t need to be familiar with the era or culture to fully understand or appreciate the art. Which i think personally allows so many of us to enjoy art and interpret it in our own ways. 
              This goes along with the idea of her idea of making something “special”. These are the 2 ideas i really noticed and appreciated. To make something special “is particularly things that one cares deeply about or activities who’s outcome has strong personal outcome” (pg 22) I really like this idea because it allows you to make something not just ordinary, but extra ordinary. I think this concept on how to make something “special” really ties this whole article of what is art together. After really reading this article, i think art really helped evolve and advance the human race. At this point, it is still evolving for the best. 
There are still so many types and pieces of art to learn about that has so much history and variety of forms. Through out your life, its something that you never stop learning about. Art is something that is all around you at all times. Especially as College students when you go abroad, you get the chance to learn about other cultures and different pieces of art. When i get the chance to travel abroad in the future, i really want to make sure i take the time to absorb the different pieces of art. 
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