Archive | March 2014

Development of Arts Mural

Development of Arts MURAL


  • Learn about public funding for the Arts.
  • Examine public art’s role in capturing history and place-making.
  • Explore the relationship of cultural values to civic dialogue, beautification and identity.

If you click on the mural above you will see a mural that i made. I decided to Make my own mural and use my skills that i learned last week with making a remix for this weeks assignment. This Development of Arts Mural originally portrayed the growth of art, by putting a big tree in the middle and having different panels starting from the bottom, and how it has evolved at the top.

Panel 1: On the Lower right- i used a cave painting image to represent how art started through Cave Painting,

Panel 2: On the Lower Left Panel, i used a image of a women Weaving to show the growth from cave painting to weaving as well there was pottery and decoration too.

Panel 3: Above Panel 1: i used a image of a scroll paper and a rock to show the growth from cave painting, weaving to Scroll decoration. The rock image to show an architect and builders.

Panel 4: above Panel 2: I used a greek women playing music to represent their own music, drama and dance. Their using their own skills to make music.

Panel 5: which is above panel 3: i used a image of stained glass, saying “songs of faith” portraying how music is moving into churches.

Panel 6: Which is above panel 4: i used a violin, and glass blower to represent a violin maker and a glass blower.

Panel 7: which is above panel 5: i used a image of masks. This panel shows the new additions of masks and performance and how its getting put together.

Panel 8: which is above panel 6: i used a image of a microphone representing the new and modern arts because everything thats modern is shown through radio, or film.

The growth of all the panels from the bottom to the top, shows the development of art. In each panel in the original mural, you see a little bit of everything squeezed into each panel. In a way thats saying that with out the previous ways of art, there wouldnt be anything to make grow or develop. they all grow from each idea making art what it is today.


Remix Discussion

This article about Lessigs Comparing culture: Remix: Making Art and Commerce thrive in the Hybrid Economy discusses two different cultures. He talks about the differences between RO and RW. I like how he talks about how you have to understand the culture. The remark “It takes extraordinary knowledge about a culture to remix it well” is very interesting in the reading I think its saying that you have to understand the culture and the music before you have the ability to remix it well. Even if you only think they’re a certain amount of ways you can remix the piece before they all start sounding similar. To remix it well you have to have a different outlook on the piece and to do that you have to have a good foundation first. I think to a certain extent there is a line where we cant remix it anymore, even if you do have a lot of knowledge and understand the culture completely.

When i have tried to rewrite songs, and make it my own. I feel as if its nearly impossible to not make it just like the old version of it. which in a way maybe its because i don’t really understand the culture of the song. I think people who have the ability to remix a song and do it right, are quite talented.

Artifact 5: Technology


  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintanence and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines

This article Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins written by Beverly Jones explores the comparison and relations between technology and art. I think one of the main thesis was “Those who originate and use new forms of art and technology embedded their assumptions in the new symbolic and material forms. As time passes the users develop familiarity and facility. New users bring additional assumptions and considerations of form, content, material, technique, meaning and purpose. However, some traces of the origins and practices remain in these forms, which consequently contribute to both cultural maintenance and change. Cultural patterns are affected in proportion to the spread in the use of these forms.” (p.21) saying that everything from the past, The techniques and forms all influence everything in the present. Nothing today would be the same if it wasn’t for the past influencing it. Jones stated, “These changes contribute to maintenance and change of culturally conditioned conceptual patterns in the larger historical context” (Jones, 51). It shaped and reconstructed life as well as cultural background and knowledge.


2. Identify one of the three historical examples Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis.

A historical example is the Henry Drawing computer, “which was a modified analog computer signed by D.P Henry that produced imagery replaced by the prevailing analog imagery” (52) this is relates to her thesis due to the fact that henrys drawing computer is a digitally computed imagery of that specific time period.

Henrys drawing computer was a form of art and it would produce different calculations and graphics. “Usually these images were done by engineers and technicians employed by government, industry or large research institutions” (53). People that made this machine is considered the actual artists. This machine represents how something that is technology , computer graphics is a piece of art.


3. Provide a compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in todays culture.

An accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in today’s culture is from basic technology form to today, its so more more advanced in high-technology. Technology can be presented in a variety of forms rather than using the basic and traditional form. There are always improvementsI think we can find many proofs about jones thesis. I think all technology that has been innovated is an example. Such as icloud on the iphones and computers. This concept helps out society so much. It might not have to do a lot with art, but it can be viewed as a new form of technology that was developed from the old ones. Like is said before, the thesis stated that new technology and art would not be the same with out the past. We would not have the updated laptops and iclouds with out the past.

4. Use of alternate sources to support statements and conclusions.

In this Video, it explains how technology such as computers hasn’t changed art, but has provided it with the ability to do more. Ability For more to happen. He also explained how it provided longer lengths, better resolution, more color. This whole video correlates to the articles thesis, in how the past of technology and with out the new inventions of technology , art and technology would not be the same.

Art and technology definitely were not believe to be in the same category or related, but as years go on, the get more related to eachother. With out the past , their would not be a present.


The world of art and technology has many different point of views.  Learning the characteristics of online gaming and technology, I was able to learn a lot more as well and the different roles of it. Due to the improvement of technology, it improved the validity of Art. Art that was created with machines have been very much improving due to the improvement of technology.

bcd28e14005dd8a8ffb652cf888d65ca (Image of a robot that creates art)

I really enjoyed Jane Mcgonigal speech on how online gaming effects the outside world. She explains that “gamers are a human resource that we can use to do real-world work, that games are a powerful platform for change” (McGonigal, TED) People can learn cooperation and team work through online gaming. this thought of hers, that I am not fully convinced is true, is one role that technology can play in the society.

In an article about How  Technology has Changed Art by John Meada, the President of Rhode Island School of Design, that I brought up previously,  he discusses how his art would not be the same with out the improvement of technology. He explains how with out technology, he wouldn’t be able to morph things together, or even spread the word of what he does. All these new tools that are being invented are helping art as a whole grow.

John Maeda working on an art piece

John Maeda working on an art piece


It amazes me how far and how fast technology has developed today. When watching this video, we can see just how far the internet has come just within 50 years. When I think about the future I get excited as to the fact that technology is only going to continue to grow. Its going to allow art to keep growing and improving as well.  But in the end, I hope art does not all conclude to technology. I hope they’re still museums with true paintings and drawings. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future.

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Work Cited

“How Is Technology Changing Art? – Curiosity.” Curiosity. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. <>.