Arts, Games, and Tech Discussion


  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintanence and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines

Online Gaming

The TED talk was really interesting to hear.  Gaming Can Make a Better World by Jane Mcgonigal had many great ideas. I really liked the topic of the “why were better in games then we are in real life” which relates to some peoples ideas of “i’m not good at life phase”. I thought this was a really good point. Do People hide in online games? Do they make themselves feel better? She stated that in the game world “we come our best version of ourself” which is I think is quite accurate. I think gaming is way to hide from everything such as real life problems.  She stated “if we want to solve problems like hunger, poverty climate change, global conflict, obesity, I believe that we need to aspire to play games online for at least 21 billion hours a week by the end of the next decade.” Gaming allows people to do something they never thought they could do, which I guess in the end with a lot of gaming, Mcgonigal thinks that it will start appearing in real life and not just the games.

Reflection: The world of gaming has many different point of views. For me, I think the social aspect of ones life is really affected when they play a life that is so involved with gaming. Learning the characteristics of online gaming, i was able to learn alot more as well and the different roles. Due to the improvement of technology, it improved the validity of Art. Art that was created with machines have been very much improving due to the improvement of technology.

I really enjoyed Jane Mcgonigal speech on how online gaming effects the outside world. she explains that “gamers are a human resource that we can use to do real-world work, tha tgames are a powerful platform for change” (McGonigal, TED) People can learn cooperation and team work through online gaming. this thought of hers, that im not fully convinced is true, is one role that technology can play in the society.

In an article about How  Technology has Changed Art by John Meada, the President of Rhode Island School of Design, he discusses how his art would not be the same with out the improvement of technology. He explains how with out technology, he wouldnt be able to morph things together, or even spread the word of what he does. All these new tools that are being invented are helping art as a whole grow.

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Gaming can make a better world. (n.d.). Retrieved from


3 thoughts on “Arts, Games, and Tech Discussion

  1. I also thought the part in Jane McGongial’s TED talk about the “I’m not good at life phase” was interesting. I think I see her point in that so many people these days are depressed and believe that they cannot do anything good for the world. But when you put those same people in the world of video games, they perk up a bit and actually feel like they can do something to save their player in the game. This is, like you said, a way for people to hide from their real world problems. My question is that, if gaming is a way for people to hide from their problems, how do we actually make people face their problems in the real world through games? Hungry and global warming are major problems in our world. Many people like to escape these problems and push them from their mind. How do we get people to face them and how will a video game help people face these problems that they would normally use a video game to escape from?

  2. That’s what im saying, how can playing video games really help out the the problems like world hunger or global warming. I think video games are a place that allows them to be something that they wish to be, and they’re never going to be in the future. It allows them to reach the impossible and feel good about them selves. I don’t believe that many online games are useful beyond the actual technology. Yeah they might be able to learn from the games, but how do we get people to actually use what they learn. How do we actually know that what they learn and use in real life is actually from the online gaming. To make them not hide from there life, you would have to force them in situations that would allow them to make those decision, choice or changes.

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