Artifact 6: Spirituality Reflection

  • How do you define “spirituality”?
  • Does spirituality differ from religion?
  • How do you define “creativity”?

              What is the source of creativity?

 How do you define spirituality?

         The general term of spirituality is related to religion. I believe there are a variety of definitions of spirituality. But I think the basic meaning of spirituality goes along with Greys idea of looking vs. seeing. It is a term that, I think represents how we cannot see directly with our eyes. It relates to the idea of Oscar Wilde “ Things are because we see them, and what we see, and how we see it, depends on the Arts that have influenced us. To look at a thing is very different from seeing a thing. One does not see anything until one sees its beauty. Then, and then only, does it come into existence” (71).  This quote I think defines spirituality and how looking is quite different from actually seeing and understanding.

 Does spirituality differ from religion?

I think spirituality isn’t exactly the same thing as religion but it does have religion involved. I think spirituality is how they act on those beliefs and Religion is specifically what they are taught through the religion. Which in a way provides the flexibility of religions, and that’s what people tend to enjoy.


How do you Define “creativity”?

I think Creativity is pretty much the imagination of an individual and how someone uses their originality. They use that in away to express themselves. It can come through singing, dancing, drawing, Even playing soccer on a field. Such as someone decides to do a specific move like a Mara Dona or a rainbow around someone on the field. They don’t know how they decided to do it, but they used their creativeness and originality to get around the other player.  Creativity is such a broad term I don’t think you can narrow it down really.

Someone using their creativity, on the field.

Someone using their creativity, on the field.


What is the Source of Creativity?

 I don think anyone has the same creativity. It Comes from within I believe. Due to the fact that everyone has different ideas. Everyone has creativity though. Some have better creativity then others. But in the end I just think some people don’t know how to express their creativity like others do. Some people might kind have some ideas but don’t know how to put them together or express them. That’s why the creativity of people appear differently to others.



In this artifact, I explained the differences and similarities involving spirituality and religion. I said that spirituality differs from religion, because spirituality is based on how people act on what they believe. Religion is what is taught at a young age. In the end, I think spirituality is based on more of how you act on the the beliefs that you were taught. I really enjoyed this assignment because it gave me the chance rely  on my own beliefs and feelings for spirituality and religion. It gave me a chance to think about what I actually thought. 

When it comes to spirituality and Creativity, I don’t really consider my self as either of those. So this assignment i thought was very helpful, because i have never even thought about before. Its cool to actually look at the differences between Spirituality and creativity and realize whats different about them. You realize the differences, but you were also given the chance to learn what actually binded them together. I really enjoyed realizing what my values were and this assignment made me realize how I defined my self.

Some people find creative tasks such as knitting to be a very spiritual experience.

Some people find creative tasks such as knitting to be a very spiritual experience.

Future: I think learning the differences between spirituality, religion and creativity will really help when some one is looking and observing a piece of art. I think this artifact will benefit me in my life, when i get the chance to explore more art in the future.

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