A Chefs masterpiece. Is that art?


  • Explore the notion of food as an artform.
  • Consider cultural differences in the production and consumption food.


I really enjoyed Elizabeths Telfers’ article Food as Art. The questions that she brings up about if food should be considered a piece of art are all really fascinating. She also brings up the broad variety of interpretations and outlooks people have on this subject.

A big part of  article is about the meaning of  aesthetic reaction. What does the word “aesthetic” really mean? In the article “Food as art” there are some points that are brought up. Aesthetic reactions relate generally to tastes and smells, we can distinguish liking the taste and smell of food from improving it and third, “the non-neutral, vivid and non-instrumental reaction to tastes and smells can be combined with a judgment.” I think this is all saying that aesthetics is anything that invokes any of the 5 sensory responses.

One of the statements she brings up is about what she considers an aesthetic reaction. The statement is about liking something because it’s healthy for you instead of the actual look and pleasure of it. “if I like the way cottage cheese contrasts in flavor and texture with rye bread” (Telfer,17) that’s a aesthetic reaction. But if you like it because its “low-calrie and high in fiber” that’s not an aesthetic reaction. (17) That is not involved with your sensory. My question is, how do you distinguish if it’s a sensory function or not.

Do people value the sense of different things more then others? I think some people value food more then others, some people value the taste, the smell and the look a lot more then others. Who ever values the senses more, I think have the right to consider food art just like certain jobs/artists. Just like in Ellen Dissanayake’s essay, she thinks art is suppose to have meaning and mean something to someone. So i think food can mean alot more to people then others. In that case, i think it can be considered “art” but not to everyone.

When I look at my food, I don’t consider what I make a piece of art because I don’t put time and effort into my food. I don’t put the finishing touches on my plates. But I can see a chef for that matter saying there food is a piece of art.  Making food is there job as well as their enjoyment. They thrive to make that perfect plate and perfect taste. That example I think they have the right to call that art.

I think the difference between fast food and slow food, is the art and process of it. Fast food like they said in the video, its not a process, you get the same thing every time. So i agree with the video that fast food is not a art. Staying home and cooking your own meal, that is more of an art. More of a variety and you have ability to make it which ever and what ever you want. You can use your aesthetic reaction, your senses, to make that food. Which I consider ART!


After i read this weeks artifact about food, it was cool to actually think what food i thought was art or not art. At first, i never really categorized my food as a piece of art. After all these readings, clips, i really had different opinions about it.

This article from Telfer, Food as Art talked about different pieces of art that were shown through food. There are a couple of aspects such as culture, emotional, tradition and style that all play a factor in the consideration of food being art. At first, i never thought as my food, i made as art because i never put the time and effort into to make it worthy. But I now realize people like chefs, where making food is there job should be considered a form of art. There Job is to make the perfection in there work, in there food. They have emotional attachments to there food. Telfer explains that when chefs make there food, its intended to be “savoured, appraised, thought about, discussed-and many eaters consider them in this way” (14). Which i think this statement is quite accurate. When you put that much time and effort into your work, i would consider it as a piece of “art”. For example, Here is a video of one of the best chefs in the world, proving how much spices and different things you can put in ONE DISH to make it your own. He puts his time and effort into cooking, Making it a  PIECE OF ART.

I was also interested in the 2 presentations about the Fast food and slow food. Art is definitely should be considered a process. What makes Fast food not considered art is because its not a process. Staying home and cooking your meals, takes time and consideration on what to make and what to put in the plate your making. The video that was shown above, represents what slow food is all about. You get the ability to make it taste exactly as you want. There is most definitely differences in what should be considered as art or what should not be.


After reading this article and clips, I want to be more aware of what I’m eating. I want to consider what is piece of art and what isn’t. Being in my own apartment, I have the chance to create my own food and pieces of “art”. I think i will appreciate more what I’m making and eating since I am making it . I want to keep learning and surrounding my self with food that is known as “art”

Tefler, E. (2002). Food as Art. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 2). New York, NY: Routledge.

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Artifact 1: Life Value Assesment

Artifact 2: What is Art for Essay

Artifact 4: Personal Adornment 


5 thoughts on “A Chefs masterpiece. Is that art?

  1. I think that people place a different value on things according to their aesthetic needs. With your example of food, some people may value the taste over the texture. The smell of the food may be more pleasing than the actual taste in some cases. I agree with you that whoever values the senses more, is going to be more inclined to value the food as art. Personally, I think that the appearance of food is what makes it art. Dissanayake’s interpretation of what art is can be indicative of how people view food as an art or do not view food as an art. Food is enjoyed by all people of the world. Regardless of the area you live in, food is appreciated by all. However, food can be appreciated for different reasons. For those who are less fortunate, food is scarce and is appreciated for the pure nourishment it provides. For those who may have more than others, they can appreciate the “finer” things that food may provide. For example, a starving person who just wants to eat would probably ignore a a cake from a bakery that is decorated to the nines and has a unique design, this design. Food can be looked at as an art depending on an individuals situation.

  2. You think appearance of the food makes it considered art, more then the actual time and effort of it? I think your opinion is interesting. What if an individual tries to make the look of the certain dish of food artistic but it doesn’t turn out well? Is that not art then? I think the time and effort put in the plate of food for the right texture and perfect taste is what makes it considered art!

    Im glad you agree that the value of senses are all different. Some people value texture more then taste. Some People value the smell more then the texture. When i try to pick something to eat, i would say i value smell more then texture. I usually smell things before i eat them, i value smell more then the texture and the appearance of it. If it smells bad, I’m not going to go even near it. but if the appearance or texture is just weird and the smell is good, i will be more willing to try it. In the end, I don’t think appearance is everything when considering if food is art.

  3. Pingback: What is art for? Essay Assignment | LC

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