- Consider the origins of art
- Explore a brief history of Western Art
- Examine multiple perspectives for evaluating art
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In that week, our reading material is “what is art for” by Ellen Dissanayake. In this article, she talks about her own experiences living abroad for about 15 years. Then she has to force herself to understand the exotic cultures, and get involve in the exotic societies. And Dissanayake uses a term “paleoanthropsychobiology” to explain what is art. Apparently, in the word “paleoanthropsychobiology”, there are “paleontological, anthropological, psychological and biological”. They can be the definition of art. I admit these four words can be the definition of art. However, personally speaking, we can’t define art just by four words. There is no exactly correct answer of “what is art”. All I can say is, when there is an art in front of me. I watch it; I touch it; I feel it; I think about it. In other words, I can exam art from multiple perspectives for evaluating art. After I read the article written by Ellen, I have learned one thing, which is to appreciate arts.
Since my father is an painter, who can be considered as an artist. He used to invite me to go to some exhibitions of paintings. However, I didn’t like paintings, and I don’t like look at those paintings. Now, I need to be patience, and to appreciate those artists. Next time, when my father invites me to go the an exhibition of paintings, I will definitely go there, although I will not be able to understand all the meanings of those paintings, but I will watch it, feel it, think about it.
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