After last week we watched TED(Technology, Entertainment, Design) named “Gaming Can Make a Better World”, we watch “Laws that choke creativity”. In this video, Lawrence Lessig illustrates three different stories. They are about the talk machine, the airplane, and Internet. I like the stories about the airplane and Internet. He expresses that the laws we have about copyright need to be changed in terms of remix to encourage creativity. Nowadays, in the age of digital technology, the media creation has been democratized. In the video, he says that everyone could create something with a $1500 computer currently. However, the “create” Lawrence says, in my opinion, means that reproduction. In other words, people create or add something upon other’s products or creations. Then, I ask myself, Does recreation or reproduction count creativity? Is remix good or bad? Personally speaking, remix is good, because many people like to recreate or remix other things, and they are thinking when they are remixing or recreating at least. Creativity is not inborn for everyone.
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Nice questions and comments, Houzhi! I really like your questions about creativity and reproduction. I don’t think we can simply judge remix is good or bad because it has both positive and negative effects. Remix can be used in many different ways. For example, every collage student knows SafeAssign and its function. Why we need it? Thanks to the development of search engine, when someone writes a paper, he or she can just google others’ ideas, and then “remix” these ideas in his or her own paper. This is the negative side of the Internet and “remix”. But, as you mentioned, “Personally speaking, remix is good, because many people like to recreate or remix other things, and they are thinking when they are remixing or recreating at least.” For non-academic purpose, I think creativity does not mean 100% of “original”. Reproduction is a way to use existing ideas or materials to create “new” things.