According this article “Deeply Seeing” by Grey, I think that it is very interesting about the main concept of deeply seeing. He discusses about the value of seeing. In my opinion at first, seeing, looking, and watching have the exactly same meaning. However, in his essay, there is a huge difference between looking and seeing. For example, we can look at many things during an hour, but it is very superficial and just can be seem as looking not seeing. Grey pointed out that “seeing occurs when our attention is arrested by a person, object, or scene” (Grey, 71). Then, he used an example that people will see the both ways before crossing the road. Yes, I strongly agree with this point of view, you cannot find anything if you just look or glance at it. Yet, when you see the both ways deeply, you may see there is a car is quickly come, and you can see the danger and avoid the dangerous event through seeing.  In the reading, seeing is also the recognition of meaning as an art by Frederick Franck, “No wonder that once the art of… for they do not see what they look at” (Grey, 73). This quote reveals that the art of seeing is important for everyone and the process in which being an artist encounters any subjects are meaningful and full of love and aesthetic pleasure. After reading this essay, I think looking at something is just a picture appears in our mind, on the other hand, seeing something is when we are thinking about the picture that appeared in our mind.