Hollywood Stars

May 3, 2020

Real vs Fake

Posted by ddonovan in Uncategorized    

Bette Davis was a different kind of star than the typical beautiful star that audiences picture when they think of stars in film. Davis is known for leading the way for women in film by creating her image based on her talent and technique when it came to acting. She starred in a lot of films, and one of her most known pieces of work is the film All About Eve. This movie is about a new young star, Eve, who makes her way in Hollywood by learning from Bette Davis’ character, Margot. Eve’s path to stardom is self-earned, but at the end the audience learns of all the lies that Eve tells to get to where she is. This posting will dive into how Bette Davis’ image in real-life interacts with the film All About Eve, and how the terms real and fake are intertwined in Hollywood.


Bette Davis - The Official Licensing Site of Bette Davis


Bette Davis became known as a star for her performances in film. She was one of the first stars to have a variety of different roles in films, and was not known for her looks. This is why Bette Davis is real. Her raw performances “usually provoked tears”, and her image was publicized as a talented actor who lacked the beauty of other stars.


All About Eve is a very real movie. Eve comes to all of Margot’s performances and eventually finds herself backstage, where she tells a compelling story. Margot takes Eve under her wing, and Eve makes many shady moves to increase her status in the business, eventually threatening to overtake Margot as a main Hollywood star. This is real because making it in Hollywood may require ambition that overshadows morals. At the end of the film it is revealed that Eve has told many lies to get to where she is, and this is representative of how Hollywood can be fake.

All About Eve (1950) - Rotten Tomatoes



One of the many reasons that fans are obsessed with their favorite stars is because they feel like they have access into the star’s personal lives. Other actresses are successful in part because of this, using similar roles that fans can feel connected to. However, Bette Davis stayed somewhat mysterious as a person. Her roles varied and fans may have been so attracted to her films because they hoped to get an insight on who Bette Davis is. Bette Davis is real because she made it as a star by her true talent in acting, but does not revealing her true self make her fake?


These themes are still apparent today in Hollywood. Media platforms try their hardest to give the public a view into the lives of stars, constantly trying to show what is “really” happening in their lives. Bette Davis and the film All About Eve were popular a long time ago, but the concept of real and fake were just as prevalent then as they are now.

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