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  1. Improvements to the Gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli genome. Ramesh, Small, Healey, Johnson, Barker, Currey, Bassham, Myers, Cresko, Jones. Gigabyte. pdf

  2. Genome-wide analysis facilitates estimation of the amount of male contribution in meiotic gynogenetic three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Currey, Walker, Bassham, Healey, Beck, Cresko. Journal of Fish Biology. pdf

  3. Leafy and weedy seadragon genomes connect genic and repetitive DNA features to the extravagant biology of syngnathid fishes. Small, Healey, Currey, Beck, Catchen, Lin, Cresko, Bassham (2022). PNAS. pdf
  4. Single cell Iso-Sequencing enables rapid genome annotation for scRNAseq analysis. Healey, Bassham, Cresko (2022). Genetics. pdf
  5. Advancing human disease research with fish evolutionary mutant models. Beck, Healey, Small, Desvignes, Cresko, Postlethwait (2022). Trends in Genetics
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