Our Latest Publication!
Our study about suicide ideation amongst Ghanaian women has been published. This study found that Functional limitation, bodily pain, hopelessness, and hypertension were significantly associated with a higher risk of suicidal ideation after accounting for sociodemographic and other confounding factors. Congrats to our students: Sarah Spafford and Maggie Osa on this critical publication. You can read more about the study here: https://doi.org/10.1177/0020764021991179
Muruthi, J. R., *Spafford S. G., *Osa, M. L., *DeLouize, A., Kowal, P., Biritwum. R., & Snodgrass, J. J. (2021, OnlineFirst). Suicidal ideation in older Ghanaian women: The roles of bodily pain, functional limitation, and chronic health conditions. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 00, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020764021991179
New Funding at the Lab
We just received a new grant from the University of Oregon’s Center for Science Communication Research to study disaster preparedness and communication among middle aged and older migrant seasonal farm workers. Congratulations to the MSFW team (Dr. James Muruthi, Kayla Vargas, Peter Ehlinger, Sabrina Raqueño-Angel)! You can read more about this funding here:
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