Meeting recap, February 21st

Present: Megan L., Megan R., Emily, Sarah, and Ricardo.

This week, we welcomed Megan Lipsett to the group. Megan is in the psychology PhD program, where she works on health psychology, social determinants of health, integrative health, stress physiology, and health behavior change.

We touched lightly on last week’s Nietzsche reading, and spent most of our hour digging into the Scarry text with regard to her method and concept of pain. Our discussion pursued different avenues of understanding pain, and what we mean when we are referring to or identifying pain. Our analysis focused on the first paragraph of the first chapter, especially the idea of torture as being a language itself.


The Health RIG is meeting this week on Friday at 1pm in Science B016 at the Science Library. We will continue focusing on the introduction to The Body in Pain and Nietzsche’s preface to the second edition of The Gay Science.