Artifact Six: Creativity Spirituality
- Become familiar with was in which spirituality influences artists.
- Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion.
- Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity.
Original Post:
How do you define “spirituality”?
First of all, I understand this word by its definition. Spirituality is same as inwardness which denotes a process of transformation. I think that there isn’t a specific limitation about “spirituality”. In general, it can refers to any meaningful activity or personal experience. Some people think that it denote some religion believes, and there are many things related to the “spirituality”, but many differences between different cultures. So, the definition of “spirituality” is very wide.
Does spirituality differ from religion?
Yes, of course. In the modern, “spirituality” is different from religion. In the past, these two things are almost same, but it got change after world war two. Spirituality is more focus on subjective experience, while religions are some ideas about worldview. In my opinion, they many differences now. For example, religion always is an institution which normally requires people’s loyalty, though spirituality also is about loyalty but it focus on personal quality. Like justice or compassion.
How do you define “creativity”?
By the definition, we can simply define that it is an ability to create some things new. Creativity is very important in many fields, and it includes many things. For instance, an idea, an invention or artwork, etc. In general sense, creativity is always related to intelligence, but it is not depends on intelligence. Creativity usually have two ways, which are thinking and producing. These two are very important, if someone have a good idea but not to do, it cannot call creativity.
What is the source of creativity?
In my opinion, the creativity comes from their knowledge. When people have enough knowledge, they can have general idea about how to create an idea or some things new. Additionally, just like I said in problem 3, creativity divides into two processes: thinking and producing. If someone have a good idea but cannot produce it, because lacking of relevant knowledge, it will not called creativity. Therefore, I think knowledge is the source of creativity.
(The picture that I chosen is people stand in the nature environment, which can relax their mind and get their inner spirituality.)
This assignment mainly distinguished spirituality and religion. First I define the spirituality. According to its definition, it can be a meaningful activity or personal experience, so differ from religion. Religion is more relevant to gods or fate. The picture above is a example of spirituality, however, it is a little bit abstract.
The article “Art as Spiritual Practice. The Mission of Art” also points that the difference between looking and seeing. The author said that “To see deeply and understand are different from mere looking or observation” (Grey, 2001). I also discussed them with my classmates. Seeing is more deep than looking, and it always determines the aesthetic decision.
Future Goal:
I really enjoy this assignment, it will beneficial me for a period. I have deeper sentiment of life after read this article. Besides this, to understand spirituality and creativity can help me to observe and analysis art in the future.
artifact 1: Life Value Assessment
artifact 3: Is Food Art? Discussion
artifact 4: The Art of Personal Adornment
artifact 5: Aesthetics of Horror
artifact 6: Creativity Spirituality
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