Meet Eugene's Food Trucks and Catering.

“The beautiful thing about running your own business is that any changes that you want to make, you can make.”

-The Mendons

Madeline and Jeff Mendon are the owners of Bento Box, a food cart located in the heart of downtown Portland. They are a small, family-run business that prides itself on simple ingredients and a small menu with a close server-to-customer relationship.

Q: When did you decide you wanted to run a food cart and why?

Food has always been a critical component of living for us and we have always loved the food cart culture. Operating a food cart allows us the ability to be closest to our customer.  A restaurant has a front of the house and a back of the house.  Often, those preparing the food are separated from those enjoying the food.  In a food cart, the kitchen is just a few feet away and the customer can easily connect with every aspect of the business.  This enables us to get to know our customers and our customers in turn, get to know us.

Q: How are you living the dream running this food cart? 

This work is very fulfilling and while the hours are many and unrelenting, we look forward to every day.

Q: How did you generate business?

We are located in a high foot traffic corridor, our trailer is clean and attractive and we have a simple, healthy menu.  We are friendly and outgoing to everyone we come in contact with and we are good neighbors to other food carts in our pod.  Our food is delicious and we provide excellent service to our customers.  People return because they love our food and love the overall experience.

Q: What is your favorite part about running Bento Box?

The interaction with our customers, feeding people good food, being the highlight of someones day, acting as an ambassador of Portland to people from all over the world.

Q: What are your values and how do you uphold those in your business? 

Treat others as you wish to be treated, provide them with an excellent experience and give them multiple reasons to return.  Act with integrity and remember that you not only represent your business, but that you also represent your city.  Go out of your way to help others. Maybe they need directions, maybe they are trying to find another food cart, maybe they won’t buy anything from you that day, but if you remain focused on the customer, you and your business will always benefit.  Very, very simple, but absolutely true.

Q: Are there any changes you want to make, or wish you could make?

The beautiful thing about running your own business is that any changes that you want to make, you can make.

Author: Ellie Keeton

§28 · June 7, 2014 · · (No comments) ·

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